Sunday, February 21, 2010

As you know

A day before my birthday I lost my wallet. At first, I didn`t panic, I was sure I would find it at home, under my bed or in my library, but I was wrong. I didn`t know what to think. I just sat on my floor and cried. I wanted to go and party with my friends and I needed my identification which was in my wallet that was indeed lost. My birth certificate, my VISA, my SIN card (what you need to apply for work), my Ontario Health Card, and my bank card. Luckily, I rarely carry money. So I spent my birthday first of all calling the government and the banks but also surrounded by amazing people, ate amazing food, and saw and amazing movie which made me feel much happier. Then came an amazing Saturday spent with my awesome bud on the DVP (lol!) and in the Science Centre looking at plastinated dead people (Body Worlds and the Story of the Heart). But my wallet was gone and the panic had settled into sheer anger. I wanted the person who stole my wallet to be hit by a car and doused in gasoline (oh I was mad!!!). After a week of tearful regret and anger I went to work expecting the least. I told an associate of mine how disappointing my weekend was because of the lack of my wallet and she jumped up and said `I know where it is!!! It`s in this inconspicuous drawer in the Customer Service pit!`
I found my wallet.
Holy sweet fucking Jesus.
I found my wallet.
It was there in all its Tim Burton beauty...

I am the spaz of the century.

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